details: 'maphackers and maphacker enablers'

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General information

Mini Map


team 1
NightElfDreaNoR (purple | 21 APM | 895 actions | 42:06)
Hero icon 4 Warden
Ability icon 2 Fan of Knives
Ability icon 2 Blink
Hero icon 2 Keeper of the Grove
Ability icon 1 Entangling Roots
Ability icon 1 Thorns Aura

» actions
Basic commands122
Build / train55
ESC pressed2
Enter build submenu22
Enter hero's abilities submenu6
Right click261
Select / deselect346
Use ability81
895 total
» units
Druid of the Claw3
36 total
» upgrades
Druid of the Claw Training2
Strength of the Wild2
Reinforced Hides1
Abolish Magic1
Mark of the Claw1
Corrosive Breath1
8 total
» buildings
Altar of Elders1
Moon Well8
Hunter's Hall1
Ancient of War2
Tree of Ages1
Tree of Life3
Ancient of Lore2
Tree of Eternity1
Ancient of Wind1
Ancient Protector1
Chimaera Roost1
22 total
» build order
00:22 Altar of Elders
00:29 Moon Well
01:48 Hunter's Hall
01:56 Ancient of War
02:01 Ancient of War
02:04 Moon Well
02:45 Moon Well
03:59 Tree of Ages
04:54 Moon Well
06:33 Tree of Life
06:36 Tree of Life
06:43 Ancient of Lore
06:46 Ancient of Lore
08:15 Tree of Eternity
09:27 Moon Well
11:39 Ancient of Wind
11:42 Moon Well
12:50 Ancient Protector
14:05 Chimaera Roost
15:42 Moon Well
16:44 Moon Well
18:12 Tree of Life
» items
Scroll of Town Portal1
1 total
UndeadlmNaKedRiGhtNoW (red | 33 APM | 1758 actions | 54:02)
Hero icon 6 Death Knight
Ability icon 3 Death Coil
Ability icon 3 Unholy Aura
Hero icon 5 Lich
Ability icon 2 Frost Nova
Ability icon 1 Dark Ritual
Ability icon 2 Frost Armor

» actions
Assign group hotkey16
Basic commands49
Build / train109
ESC pressed5
Enter build submenu20
Enter hero's abilities submenu12
Give item / drop item5
Right click848
Select / deselect527
Select group hotkey44
Use ability123
1758 total
» units
Crypt Fiend15
Frost Wyrm8
42 total
» upgrades
Creature Attack3
Creature Carapace3
Freezing Breath1
9 total
» buildings
Altar of Darkness1
Tomb of Relics2
Halls of the Dead1
Black Citadel1
Nerubian Tower4
Spirit Tower1
Sacrificial Pit1
Arcane Tower1
24 total
» build order
00:23 Crypt
00:27 Altar of Darkness
00:32 Ziggurat
00:48 Graveyard
01:04 Tomb of Relics
01:41 Ziggurat
02:58 Halls of the Dead
05:27 Black Citadel
06:56 Nerubian Tower
07:51 Spirit Tower
08:28 Sacrificial Pit
10:58 Necropolis
11:00 Ziggurat
12:00 Nerubian Tower
12:58 Tomb of Relics
13:09 Ziggurat
13:18 Boneyard
18:26 Nerubian Tower
27:07 Necropolis
27:11 Necropolis
28:25 Ziggurat
28:26 Ziggurat
30:54 Nerubian Tower
36:49 Arcane Tower
» items
Rod of Necromancy3
Sacrificial Skull3
Orb of Corruption4
Scroll of Town Portal10
Potion of Healing9
Potion of Mana1
Lesser Clarity Potion1
Staff of Sanctuary2
Scroll of Regeneration1
Scroll of Healing2
36 total
Humanfgv1325t (green | 84 APM | 2763 actions | 32:56)
Hero icon 3 Archmage
Ability icon 2 Blizzard
Ability icon 1 Brilliance Aura
Hero icon 3 Paladin
Ability icon 1 Holy Light
Ability icon 2 Devotion Aura

» actions
Assign group hotkey235
Basic commands13
Build / train67
Enter build submenu32
Enter hero's abilities submenu6
Give item / drop item2
Right click1758
Select / deselect319
Select group hotkey242
Use ability89
2763 total
» units
Mortar Team6
Siege Engine1
16 total
» upgrades
Lumber Harvesting1
Fragmentation Shards1
8 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings1
Lumber Mill1
Scout Tower14
Arcane Tower2
Guard Tower5
Arcane Vault1
38 total
» build order
00:22 Altar of Kings
00:37 Farm
00:57 Lumber Mill
01:10 Farm
01:20 Farm
01:47 Scout Tower
02:01 Scout Tower
02:19 Farm
02:24 Arcane Tower
02:28 Guard Tower
02:50 Scout Tower
03:02 Farm
03:17 Arcane Vault
03:20 Guard Tower
03:23 Farm
03:53 Barracks
04:34 Keep
04:41 Blacksmith
05:58 Farm
06:07 Farm
07:28 Castle
07:31 Workshop
07:35 Workshop
10:05 Scout Tower
10:54 Arcane Tower
15:57 Scout Tower
16:27 Scout Tower
16:29 Scout Tower
16:30 Guard Tower
16:34 Scout Tower
19:06 Scout Tower
19:07 Scout Tower
19:08 Scout Tower
19:11 Scout Tower
19:13 Scout Tower
19:15 Scout Tower
19:44 Guard Tower
20:09 Guard Tower
» items
Boots of Speed1
Periapt of Vitality2
Staff of Teleportation4
Lesser Clarity Potion2
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability1
Scroll of Town Portal4
Scroll of Regeneration2
Potion of Healing2
18 total
HumanYourHumbleRuler (teal | 98 APM | 5279 actions | 54:05)
Hero icon 10 Archmage
Ability icon 3 Summon Water Elemental
Ability icon 3 Brilliance Aura
Ability icon 1 Mass Teleport
Ability icon 3 Blizzard

» actions
Assign group hotkey247
Basic commands468
Build / train248
ESC pressed7
Enter build submenu84
Enter hero's abilities submenu10
Give item / drop item9
Remove unit from queue1
Right click1616
Select / deselect616
Select group hotkey1629
Use ability344
5279 total
» units
Mortar Team6
Siege Engine1
48 total
» upgrades
Long Rifles1
Lumber Harvesting2
Fragmentation Shards1
Flak Cannons1
22 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings1
Lumber Mill1
Arcane Vault1
Town Hall5
Scout Tower62
Guard Tower89
Arcane Tower12
203 total
» build order
00:49 Altar of Kings
00:52 Barracks
00:54 Farm
01:05 Farm
01:13 Farm
02:05 Blacksmith
02:30 Lumber Mill
02:49 Farm
03:26 Arcane Vault
04:38 Farm
05:11 Town Hall
06:34 Keep
06:34 Keep
06:34 Keep
07:29 Town Hall
07:32 Scout Tower
07:34 Scout Tower
07:35 Scout Tower
07:38 Scout Tower
08:04 Guard Tower
08:04 Guard Tower
08:05 Guard Tower
08:06 Guard Tower
08:06 Guard Tower
08:06 Guard Tower
08:07 Guard Tower
08:18 Scout Tower
08:19 Scout Tower
08:20 Scout Tower
08:22 Scout Tower
08:27 Scout Tower
08:30 Scout Tower
08:34 Scout Tower
08:35 Scout Tower
08:36 Scout Tower
08:48 Scout Tower
08:51 Guard Tower
09:06 Arcane Tower
09:06 Arcane Tower
09:07 Arcane Tower
09:08 Arcane Tower
09:09 Arcane Tower
09:10 Guard Tower
09:10 Castle
09:11 Castle
09:23 Arcane Tower
09:24 Arcane Tower
09:24 Arcane Tower
10:16 Castle
10:16 Castle
10:16 Castle
10:17 Castle
12:50 Barracks
12:51 Barracks
13:31 Workshop
13:32 Workshop
13:36 Workshop
13:38 Workshop
14:08 Scout Tower
14:08 Scout Tower
14:09 Scout Tower
14:13 Scout Tower
14:19 Scout Tower
14:39 Guard Tower
14:39 Guard Tower
14:40 Guard Tower
14:40 Guard Tower
14:40 Guard Tower
14:41 Guard Tower
14:49 Guard Tower
14:49 Guard Tower
14:55 Guard Tower
16:16 Workshop
16:20 Workshop
17:44 Farm
17:45 Farm
17:47 Farm
17:51 Farm
17:53 Farm
23:50 Town Hall
23:52 Scout Tower
23:52 Scout Tower
23:53 Scout Tower
23:54 Scout Tower
23:55 Scout Tower
23:55 Scout Tower
23:56 Scout Tower
23:56 Scout Tower
23:57 Scout Tower
23:58 Scout Tower
23:59 Scout Tower
24:23 Guard Tower
24:23 Guard Tower
24:32 Guard Tower
24:56 Guard Tower
24:56 Guard Tower
24:56 Guard Tower
24:57 Guard Tower
24:57 Guard Tower
24:57 Guard Tower
24:57 Guard Tower
24:58 Guard Tower
24:58 Guard Tower
24:58 Guard Tower
25:32 Guard Tower
25:32 Guard Tower
25:32 Guard Tower
27:56 Scout Tower
27:56 Scout Tower
27:57 Scout Tower
28:04 Scout Tower
28:07 Scout Tower
28:54 Guard Tower
28:55 Guard Tower
28:55 Guard Tower
28:57 Scout Tower
28:58 Scout Tower
29:25 Guard Tower
29:25 Guard Tower
29:25 Guard Tower
29:42 Scout Tower
29:42 Scout Tower
29:42 Scout Tower
29:43 Scout Tower
29:44 Scout Tower
29:45 Scout Tower
29:46 Scout Tower
29:46 Scout Tower
29:47 Scout Tower
29:49 Scout Tower
29:49 Scout Tower
29:51 Scout Tower
29:52 Scout Tower
30:29 Guard Tower
30:29 Guard Tower
30:30 Guard Tower
31:30 Guard Tower
31:30 Guard Tower
31:30 Guard Tower
31:30 Guard Tower
32:47 Town Hall
32:50 Scout Tower
32:51 Scout Tower
32:52 Scout Tower
32:52 Scout Tower
32:53 Scout Tower
32:53 Scout Tower
33:26 Guard Tower
33:26 Guard Tower
33:27 Guard Tower
33:31 Guard Tower
33:31 Guard Tower
38:23 Town Hall
38:25 Scout Tower
38:25 Scout Tower
38:26 Scout Tower
38:27 Scout Tower
38:28 Scout Tower
38:29 Scout Tower
39:04 Guard Tower
39:04 Guard Tower
39:29 Guard Tower
42:29 Guard Tower
42:30 Guard Tower
42:30 Guard Tower
42:30 Guard Tower
» items
Scroll of Regeneration7
Staff of Sanctuary1
Orb of Corruption1
Scroll of Healing1
Scroll of Town Portal5
Staff of Teleportation1
Mechanical Critter7
23 total
team 2
Random» NightElfCptn.Falco (blue | 69 APM | 2899 actions | 41:48)
Hero icon 6 Demon Hunter
Ability icon 1 Immolation
Ability icon 3 Evasion
Ability icon 1 Mana Burn
Ability icon 1 Metamorphosis
Hero icon 2 Mountain King
Ability icon 1 Storm Bolt
Ability icon 1 Bash

» actions
Assign group hotkey37
Build / train126
ESC pressed10
Enter build submenu57
Enter hero's abilities submenu8
Remove unit from queue3
Right click1435
Select / deselect490
Select group hotkey614
Use ability119
2899 total
» units
88 total
» upgrades
Strength of the Moon2
Moon Armor1
Strength of the Wild2
Corrosive Breath1
Reinforced Hides3
Hippogryph Taming1
11 total
» buildings
Moon Well12
Altar of Elders2
Ancient of War2
Ancient of Wonders5
Altar of Kings1
Tree of Life5
Hunter's Hall1
Scout Tower5
Tree of Ages3
Lumber Mill1
Guard Tower4
Arcane Tower1
Tree of Eternity2
Ancient of Wind1
Ancient Protector7
Chimaera Roost3
55 total
» build order
00:08 Moon Well
00:31 Altar of Elders
01:04 Ancient of War
01:38 Moon Well
02:17 Ancient of Wonders
02:35 Altar of Kings
02:58 Tree of Life
03:25 Hunter's Hall
04:16 Scout Tower
04:18 Scout Tower
04:21 Scout Tower
04:23 Scout Tower
04:33 Tree of Ages
05:15 Lumber Mill
06:15 Guard Tower
06:26 Arcane Tower
07:44 Guard Tower
07:56 Tree of Eternity
08:01 Ancient of Wind
08:07 Moon Well
08:21 Moon Well
08:23 Moon Well
08:28 Ancient of Wonders
08:32 Guard Tower
09:10 Ancient Protector
09:14 Ancient Protector
09:47 Ancient Protector
09:56 Ancient Protector
11:08 Chimaera Roost
11:10 Chimaera Roost
11:30 Ancient of War
11:35 Scout Tower
12:06 Chimaera Roost
13:22 Guard Tower
13:39 Moon Well
13:41 Moon Well
13:43 Moon Well
15:19 Tree of Ages
15:24 Tree of Life
16:04 Ancient of Wonders
16:08 Ancient Protector
20:21 Tree of Ages
23:16 Tree of Life
23:20 Ancient of Wonders
23:24 Moon Well
23:49 Tree of Eternity
27:50 Tree of Life
28:17 Ancient of Wonders
28:21 Moon Well
28:59 Ancient Protector
29:08 Ancient Protector
29:16 Moon Well
34:04 Tree of Life
38:36 Altar of Elders
38:40 Moon Well
» items
Scroll of Town Portal3
Scroll of Protection1
4 total
Random» HumanHappyNoodleBoy (orange | 25 APM | 1142 actions | 44:51)
Hero icon 4 Archmage
Ability icon 2 Blizzard
Ability icon 2 Brilliance Aura

» actions
Basic commands92
Build / train70
Enter build submenu32
Enter hero's abilities submenu5
Give item / drop item1
Remove unit from queue3
Right click329
Select / deselect531
Use ability79
1142 total
» units
36 total
» upgrades
Lumber Harvesting2
Long Rifles1
9 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings1
Lumber Mill1
Arcane Vault1
Scout Tower9
Guard Tower7
Town Hall3
38 total
» build order
00:10 Altar of Kings
00:13 Farm
00:48 Blacksmith
00:53 Lumber Mill
01:58 Barracks
02:17 Barracks
02:22 Farm
04:34 Farm
04:42 Arcane Vault
05:16 Farm
05:57 Scout Tower
06:23 Scout Tower
06:27 Guard Tower
06:50 Guard Tower
07:42 Farm
08:35 Farm
09:18 Farm
10:28 Town Hall
10:42 Farm
11:13 Keep
11:49 Farm
12:26 Farm
13:15 Town Hall
13:31 Scout Tower
14:08 Scout Tower
14:49 Scout Tower
15:07 Guard Tower
15:46 Scout Tower
16:18 Guard Tower
16:26 Scout Tower
16:57 Guard Tower
17:06 Scout Tower
17:24 Farm
19:19 Scout Tower
19:22 Castle
19:24 Guard Tower
20:01 Guard Tower
26:33 Town Hall
» items
Circlet of Nobility1
Scroll of Regeneration5
Scroll of Town Portal1
Orb of Fire1
8 total
Random» HumanFFmoo (pink | 21 APM | 25 actions | 01:11)

» actions
Build / train7
Right click15
Select / deselect2
Use ability1
25 total
» units
7 total
OrcShack_Shaker (yellow | 48 APM | 2599 actions | 54:05)
Hero icon 10 Blademaster
Ability icon 3 Wind Walk
Ability icon 3 Critical Strike
Ability icon 1 Bladestorm
Ability icon 3 Mirror Image

» actions
Assign group hotkey56
Basic commands69
Build / train129
Enter build submenu52
Enter hero's abilities submenu10
Give item / drop item9
Remove unit from queue19
Right click1241
Select / deselect445
Select group hotkey389
Use ability180
2599 total
» units
Troll Batrider24
Wind Rider9
60 total
» upgrades
Ranged Weapons3
Reinforced Defenses1
Liquid Fire1
Troll Regeneration1
Envenomed Spears1
10 total
» buildings
Orc Burrow11
Altar of Storms1
Voodoo Lounge2
War Mill2
Great Hall4
Watch Tower28
Spirit Lodge1
54 total
» build order
00:17 Orc Burrow
00:52 Altar of Storms
00:53 Barracks
01:03 Orc Burrow
01:45 Voodoo Lounge
02:57 Stronghold
03:57 War Mill
05:00 Great Hall
05:03 Orc Burrow
05:20 Watch Tower
05:21 Watch Tower
05:21 Watch Tower
05:23 Watch Tower
06:23 Beastiary
08:16 Beastiary
08:20 Fortress
11:40 Watch Tower
11:42 Watch Tower
11:54 Spirit Lodge
22:25 Watch Tower
22:25 Watch Tower
22:25 Watch Tower
22:26 Watch Tower
23:22 War Mill
23:49 Watch Tower
27:02 Great Hall
27:07 Watch Tower
27:08 Watch Tower
27:09 Watch Tower
27:12 Watch Tower
27:12 Watch Tower
27:13 Watch Tower
27:13 Watch Tower
27:21 Watch Tower
27:21 Watch Tower
27:27 Voodoo Lounge
34:52 Great Hall
34:54 Watch Tower
34:55 Watch Tower
34:56 Watch Tower
34:56 Watch Tower
34:58 Watch Tower
34:58 Watch Tower
34:59 Watch Tower
34:59 Watch Tower
45:27 Great Hall
45:47 Orc Burrow
45:48 Orc Burrow
45:50 Orc Burrow
45:51 Orc Burrow
45:51 Orc Burrow
45:52 Orc Burrow
45:55 Orc Burrow
45:56 Orc Burrow
» items
Healing Salve3
Lesser Clarity Potion6
Boots of Speed1
Potion of Healing4
Potion of Mana4
Scroll of Town Portal5
Orb of Lightning1
Staff of Teleportation1
Periapt of Vitality1
Scroll of Regeneration1
27 total

Chat log

(00:05 / All) YourHumbleRuler: Pink it's my birthday stay
(00:08 / All) YourHumbleRuler: don't leave
(00:12 / All) Shack_Shaker: yep
(00:14 / All) YourHumbleRuler: no instant leavers please
(00:16 / Allies) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: stay
(00:31 / Allies) YourHumbleRuler: I just want a good game
(00:35 / Allies) YourHumbleRuler: if he ruins it I leave again
(00:50 / Allies) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: ty
(01:20 / All) YourHumbleRuler: fucking prick
(01:22 / All) DreaNoR: ?
(01:30 / All) YourHumbleRuler: won't even stay for my bday
(02:15 / Allies) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: heros only?

(03:16 / Allies) DreaNoR: rushing

(07:28 / Allies) DreaNoR: red?
(07:34 / Allies) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: napped
(07:36 / Allies) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: tp though
(07:39 / Allies) DreaNoR: srsly..

(09:54 / Allies) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: gold?

(11:32 / Allies) DreaNoR: gatta hit thir expos or its gg

(14:59 / All) Shack_Shaker: oh
(15:01 / All) Shack_Shaker: I didn't have flaem
(15:39 / All) Shack_Shaker: I was wondering why the towers were shooting so fast
(16:16 / All) Shack_Shaker: green mhh
(16:20 / All) Shack_Shaker: I knew he did
(16:23 / All) Shack_Shaker: he just proved it
(16:30 / All) YourHumbleRuler: I don't like hackers much
(16:34 / All) DreaNoR: everyone mhs we get it
(16:44 / All) YourHumbleRuler: Or maphacker defenders
(17:06 / Allies) DreaNoR: what teal?
(17:11 / Allies) YourHumbleRuler: You're a maphacker defender
(17:16 / Allies) DreaNoR: wtf///
(17:22 / All) YourHumbleRuler: Purple is a maphacker enabler
(17:25 / All) YourHumbleRuler: Green is a maphacker
(17:32 / All) YourHumbleRuler: The scum should be washed off the streets of

(19:42 / All) YourHumbleRuler: MAPHACKERS ON BATTLE.NET MUST DIE!
(20:00 / Allies) DreaNoR: why would u do that..
(20:05 / Allies) DreaNoR: we are winning..
(20:09 / Allies) YourHumbleRuler: he is a MAPHACKER
(20:13 / Allies) YourHumbleRuler: and you a maphacker enabler
(20:18 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: teal prly is too
(20:35 / All) YourHumbleRuler: You siding with the maphackers and insulting me now red?
(20:40 / All) YourHumbleRuler: Why, you aren't a maphack enabler too are ya?
(20:48 / All) YourHumbleRuler: If so I got some swift justice to serve
(20:50 / All) YourHumbleRuler: So answer me pal
(20:51 / All) Shack_Shaker: did green warn him I was coming
(20:52 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: sigh
(20:54 / All) YourHumbleRuler: Are you a maphacker enabler?
(21:01 / All) YourHumbleRuler: ARE YOU?
(21:03 / All) YourHumbleRuler: Silence is a confession
(21:11 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: im not....
(21:17 / All) YourHumbleRuler: Very well
(21:23 / All) YourHumbleRuler: Watch your words carefully, I'm eyeing you
(21:33 / All) Shack_Shaker: green tells tthem where to hit
(21:36 / All) Shack_Shaker: and shit
(21:37 / All) YourHumbleRuler: Purple killed some towers of mine
(21:46 / All) YourHumbleRuler: He is a good for nothin' stinkin' tker as well as a maphacker enabler
(22:26 / All) YourHumbleRuler: Come here, scummy boy
(22:30 / All) YourHumbleRuler: i'm washing you off these streets'

(23:31 / Allies) DreaNoR: we would of won the game a long time ago.. i dont understnad why people like you exsist.
(23:40 / Allies) YourHumbleRuler: To execute the criminals
(23:42 / Allies) YourHumbleRuler: The maphacker enablers
(23:46 / Allies) DreaNoR: your so stupid..
(24:02 / Allies) YourHumbleRuler: This is justice, pal
(24:18 / Allies) DreaNoR: your probably the one on their team
(24:24 / Allies) DreaNoR: telling your friend what to do and where to go
(24:27 / Allies) YourHumbleRuler: I'm on the side of the people
(24:31 / Allies) YourHumbleRuler: I kill the hackers
(24:39 / Allies) DreaNoR: oh shut the fuck up
(24:50 / Allies) YourHumbleRuler: you shut your trap, maphack enabler
(25:10 / All) YourHumbleRuler: Purple the maphacker enabler has been dealt with
(25:18 / All) YourHumbleRuler: Now I just have to finish off the maphacker himself
(25:23 / All) YourHumbleRuler: The true blight on my
(25:28 / All) YourHumbleRuler: The one and only
(25:44 / Allies) fgv1325t: 200gold
(25:56 / Allies) YourHumbleRuler: It wouldn't matter, you're dead pal
(26:21 / All) YourHumbleRuler: Green is dead now too
(26:32 / All) YourHumbleRuler: No peasants, nuffin but a hero
(26:39 / All) YourHumbleRuler: The level 2 pally is what you see
(26:45 / All) YourHumbleRuler: They say he's a redeemer, a noble lightbringer
(26:48 / All) YourHumbleRuler: But he's in dark hands
(27:29 / Allies) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: care teal
(27:58 / Allies) YourHumbleRuler: Don't worry
(28:01 / Allies) YourHumbleRuler: Justice always prevails
(28:45 / Allies) fgv1325t: 200gold...
(29:00 / Allies) YourHumbleRuler: No
(29:08 / Allies) YourHumbleRuler: Maphackers will not be given gifts under my jurisdiction

(31:39 / Allies) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: gj
(31:41 / All) YourHumbleRuler: Chimbots ain't welcome in my fair land either

(33:09 / All) Shack_Shaker: how the fuck red gets so many consumables
(33:17 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: i went easy to start... tried just using heros
(33:26 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: 4v3
(33:37 / All) DreaNoR: you mean 5v3
(33:38 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: teal and yall versus us minus one...
(33:51 / All) YourHumbleRuler: Who's the 5
(34:00 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: you....
(34:01 / All) DreaNoR: Shut up
(34:08 / All) DreaNoR: i hope they kick your fking ass
(34:10 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: teal me something
(34:11 / All) YourHumbleRuler: I dealt justice
(34:17 / All) YourHumbleRuler: I killed the maphacker and maphacker enabler
(34:21 / All) YourHumbleRuler: Red was the only good man on our team
(34:27 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: who enabled...
(34:37 / All) DreaNoR: ahhaha die teal u fucker
(34:41 / All) DreaNoR: kill him blue
(35:05 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: you should just withdraw from circumstances you don't agree with instead of being a faux arbitor of noob justice
(35:30 / All) YourHumbleRuler: losing a metamorphosised dh that's embarassing
(35:44 / Allies) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: get a tp...
(35:51 / Allies) YourHumbleRuler: I just used it
(35:53 / Allies) YourHumbleRuler: I know buddy
(35:54 / Allies) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: health...
(36:03 / Allies) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: also that bm on their team is hacking
(36:14 / All) YourHumbleRuler: Red just called you a hacker, yellow
(36:25 / All) YourHumbleRuler: I don't think you are though
(36:26 / All) Shack_Shaker: lul
(36:48 / All) Shack_Shaker: green flashed my bm on his army with no indication I was there
(36:52 / All) Shack_Shaker: I had my suspicions before that
(37:00 / All) YourHumbleRuler: Blue sure lost a lot for a mined out expo
(37:52 / Allies) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: tele on my shade in a sec
(38:08 / All) DreaNoR: Hes going to build another expo upper right below oranges base
(38:37 / All) YourHumbleRuler: Unfortunately purple you are the one who was rekt not I
(38:52 / All) DreaNoR: teal hush
(39:07 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: teals prly hacking too.....
(39:13 / All) DreaNoR: he is..
(39:17 / All) DreaNoR: hes a faggot
(39:19 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: hackers can spot eachother
(39:22 / All) YourHumbleRuler: Why do you say that?
(39:26 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: i find it hard to do
(39:38 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: bc you make a big deal of it and win
(39:43 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: kinda a giveaway
(39:53 / All) Shack_Shaker: From where you're kneeling, it must seem like an 18-carat run of bad luck. But the truth is...
(39:53 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: you're obviously not that smart
(39:54 / All) YourHumbleRuler: That's all skill bro
(39:58 / All) YourHumbleRuler: The game was rigged from the start
(40:00 / All) Shack_Shaker: the game was rigged from the start.
(40:06 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: on finding MH codes?
(40:13 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: or do you download or buy?
(40:21 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: I don't hack, as you can see
(40:37 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: you are too good for all that idiocy
(40:49 / All) YourHumbleRuler: No idiocy bro
(40:52 / All) DreaNoR: notice teal and yellow arent fighting
(40:54 / All) YourHumbleRuler: All skill
(40:56 / All) YourHumbleRuler: All smarts
(40:57 / Allies) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: teleport on shade
(41:13 / All) Shack_Shaker: Rod, explain to them the rules of the game
(41:24 / All) YourHumbleRuler: Yellow and I are working together
(41:30 / All) YourHumbleRuler: We are going to kill everything, including our own things
(41:35 / All) YourHumbleRuler: You will all have equal chances at victory
(41:40 / All) YourHumbleRuler: Neither side will be able to finish the other
(41:44 / All) YourHumbleRuler: The last to leave will leave victorious
(41:44 / All) Cptn.Falco: gaaaaaay
(41:45 / All) YourHumbleRuler: Sound fair?
(41:51 / All) YourHumbleRuler: It shall be a Mexican standoff
(42:05 / All) DreaNoR: you guys are so stupid..
(42:26 / All) YourHumbleRuler: Will you leave your computers on all night for the win?
(43:10 / All) YourHumbleRuler: Sorry red that fiends die, nothing can remain
(43:12 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: yellow hacks..,. teal hacks....
(43:21 / All) YourHumbleRuler: The only thing I hack, is I hack up maphackers
(43:23 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: kill your am
(43:27 / All) YourHumbleRuler: I will when the time comes
(43:28 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: prove your dedication
(43:35 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: poser
(43:39 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: fake tker
(43:40 / All) YourHumbleRuler: For now, my base dies

(44:51 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: teal how you spell your name
(45:01 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: with an L or an i
(45:05 / All) YourHumbleRuler: L
(45:07 / All) YourHumbleRuler: Why
(45:12 / All) Shack_Shaker: With an L, stands for you just lost the game, son
(45:18 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: statsing you
(45:22 / All) YourHumbleRuler: I'm 0-0
(45:54 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: saving replay, I used to watch a buddy play counterstrike with no wall hack.
(46:04 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: He'd always yell when other ppl did it
(46:10 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: they'd get booted
(46:11 / All) YourHumbleRuler: Oh
(46:13 / All) YourHumbleRuler: Your team left
(46:15 / All) YourHumbleRuler: Red must lose
(46:18 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: you're doing the same thing
(46:56 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: see, you really are hacking
(47:00 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: we all saw it
(47:01 / All) YourHumbleRuler: Why do you say that?
(47:03 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: dumbass
(47:07 / All) YourHumbleRuler: I mean
(47:12 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: cuz you just asked that
(47:15 / All) YourHumbleRuler: I actually am hacking, but I haven't done anything to indicate it this game
(47:25 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: your attitude
(47:34 / All) YourHumbleRuler: I always have this attitude whether I have mh on or not
(47:36 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: and how stagnant you are about no hacking
(47:44 / All) YourHumbleRuler: You gotta use evil to fight evil bro
(47:47 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: thats the giveaway
(47:49 / All) YourHumbleRuler: but I'm still the sherriff!
(47:57 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: ....
(48:00 / All) YourHumbleRuler: I'm your humble ruler maphack or not
(48:03 / All) YourHumbleRuler: I use evil to fight evil
(48:08 / All) YourHumbleRuler: I'm like a superhero man
(48:19 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: see, that's what's dumb though
(48:35 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: you just tk'ed then ended up pulling the game out
(48:37 / All) YourHumbleRuler: That I care about my fellow citizens and wish to maphack to kill maphackers
(48:38 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: that's hacking
(48:39 / All) Shack_Shaker: No it isn't, he uses the darkness to bring out the light
(48:39 / All) YourHumbleRuler: ???
(48:47 / All) YourHumbleRuler: That ain't hacking, that's tking, I didn't kill you
(48:49 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: yellow you hack too
(48:51 / All) YourHumbleRuler: I only went for the maphacker and maphacker enabler
(48:58 / All) Shack_Shaker: No I don't, scouts honor
(48:59 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: yellow you're hacking
(49:06 / All) YourHumbleRuler: Nay, he has not submitted to the darkness to fight it like I have
(49:09 / All) YourHumbleRuler: I can assure you he is not
(49:40 / Allies) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: no stats on him too
(49:47 / Allies) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: and he is
(49:51 / All) YourHumbleRuler: So? No stats doesn't mean anything other than that's how we matched each other
(49:53 / All) YourHumbleRuler: He is not hacking
(49:55 / All) YourHumbleRuler: Check the replay
(50:00 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: yeah, he is
(50:08 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: see, he's quiet
(50:10 / All) YourHumbleRuler: Nope, but believe that if it makes you feel good about yourself man!
(50:13 / Allies) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: and he said scouts honor
(50:25 / All) YourHumbleRuler: Speak your evidence in all chat so he can hear
(50:31 / All) YourHumbleRuler: It's all nonsense anyway
(50:31 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: you're sticking up for him cuz you think it's funny
(50:38 / All) YourHumbleRuler: No but because I'm honest
(50:42 / All) YourHumbleRuler: This is the last tower I think
(50:47 / All) Shack_Shaker: We speak in /f m
(50:48 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: he ran into my base to kill my sick heros like 6 times
(50:50 / All) Shack_Shaker: Silly bastard
(50:56 / All) YourHumbleRuler: I told him where it was
(51:00 / All) Shack_Shaker: That's just common sense
(51:14 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: ya'll hack together and blow eachother
(51:18 / All) YourHumbleRuler: lawl
(51:23 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: not to make you feel bad or anything
(51:28 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: sucking dick is cool
(51:34 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: I like it
(51:35 / All) YourHumbleRuler: Any last words for the police, criminal?
(51:36 / All) Shack_Shaker: Stop with these baseless accusations or I'll hire my lawyer to sue you for libel
(51:45 / All) YourHumbleRuler: This is a matter of law
(51:48 / All) YourHumbleRuler: It is not just messing around
(51:50 / All) YourHumbleRuler: We are serious.
(51:51 / All) Shack_Shaker: Libel is a serious crime
(51:56 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: lolololol
(52:13 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: so yall made new accts to play together and hack and fuck around
(52:15 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: lol
(52:17 / All) YourHumbleRuler: See this tower red? It'll fall like you and all your maphacker, maphacker enabling bastard buddies did
(52:24 / All) Shack_Shaker: The light doth dawn
(52:28 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: lol
(52:29 / All) YourHumbleRuler: The fuckers like green, the scum of
(52:35 / All) YourHumbleRuler: The criminals, we hanged 'em high
(52:42 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: how big are your dicks? scouts honor
(52:43 / All) YourHumbleRuler: They went down like it was nothing to the might of our law
(52:50 / All) YourHumbleRuler: 7" last time I measured
(52:52 / All) Shack_Shaker: 6 and A HALF inches
(52:58 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: nice I'm 7"
(52:59 / All) YourHumbleRuler: But that probably sounds fake since everyone on the internet has a gigantic dick
(53:00 / All) Shack_Shaker: The half is important
(53:06 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: too, 6'5 from the top
(53:17 / All) YourHumbleRuler: 7" is a good cock length I hear, at least we have that in common, a pleasing length for the ladies
(53:26 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: i just measured, sweet. We all hack same dick length.
(53:29 / All) Shack_Shaker: It's not the size of the boat but the motion of the ocean
(53:32 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: have*
(53:38 / All) Shack_Shaker: That's what my BBW girlfriend says
(53:39 / All) YourHumbleRuler: But that's unprofessional for me to talk about, I'm a sherriff after all
(53:43 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: lol
(53:45 / All) YourHumbleRuler: Sheriff even
(53:45 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: gg
(53:47 / All) Shack_Shaker: So she doesn't have to diet or stop eating big macs
(53:52 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: I'm out
(53:55 / All) YourHumbleRuler: Any final words for us?
(53:57 / All) YourHumbleRuler: A message?
(53:58 / All) lmNaKedRiGhtNoW: lol gg
(54:00 / All) Shack_Shaker: because the motion of the ocean, it's like fucking a water bed